NUTRISPIR AH (hereinafter referred to as “ NUTRISPIR AH ”) is a company specializing in the development and marketing of food supplements based on Spirulina and its active ingredient Phycocyanin.

The purpose of this privacy policy (hereinafter the " Policy ") is to inform users (hereinafter referred to as " Users ") of the website (hereinafter the " Site ") about the conditions of collection and processing of their personal data (hereinafter the " Personal Data ") in the context of the use of the Site, and to describe the conditions of compliance with the rules of protection of their Personal Data.

This Policy has been drawn up in such a way as to ensure that NUTRISPIR AH carries out its activities in accordance with national, European and international legislation relating to the protection of Personal Data and, in particular, Regulation (EU) n° 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (known as the " General Data Protection Regulation " or " GDPR " ) and French law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended, relating to data processing, files and freedoms (the “ Data Protection Act ”) (together the “ Applicable Regulations ”).

NUTRISPIR AH carries out all the necessary checks in order to implement its compliance with the applicable regulations.

For any questions regarding Personal Data, NUTRISPIR AH can be contacted by email at the following address: 


This Policy is based on compliance with the principles described below, laid down by the Applicable Regulations.

As Responsible for the processing that it implements in the context of the management of the Site, and in particular via the contact tab available on the Site, NUTRISPIR AH is responsible for compliance with these principles and must be able to demonstrate their respect at all times.

The implementation and respect of these principles are essential and must be checked regularly by the people who are responsible for issues related to the processing of Personal Data within NUTRISPIR AH.

1. Legality, fairness and transparency

Personal Data must be processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner with regard to the Person Concerned by the processing of Personal Data.

2. Purpose limitation

Personal Data must be processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes.

3. Data minimization

Personal Data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

4. Accuracy

Personal Data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; all reasonable measures must be taken to ensure that Personal Data which is inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is erased or rectified without delay.

5. Limitation of storage

Personal Data must be kept in a form allowing the identification of the Persons Concerned for a period not exceeding that necessary with regard to the purposes for which they are processed. They may be kept for longer periods insofar as they will be processed exclusively for archival purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes, provided that measures are implemented. appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the data subject.

6. Integrity and confidentiality

Personal Data must be processed in such a way as to ensure appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures. .


1. Data collected in connection with the use of the NUTRSPIR AH Site

The Personal Data collected and processed by NUTRISPIR AH as Data Controller are those likely to be collected in the context of the use of the Site by the User.

The Personal Data of Users that may be processed by NUTRISPIR AH are User identification data, namely:

  • Marital status (surname, first name, age, sex, date of birth);
  • Personal contact details (postal address, e-mail address, telephone number);
  • Bank details;
  • Any other Data transmitted by a User in the context of making contact or ordering products.

This Personal Data is collected during the ordering process carried out by the User on the Site, the User's subscription to the newsletter, via the contact tab available on the NUTRISPIR AH Site or through any exchange e-mail sent by Third Parties to NUTRISPIR AH.

In addition, NUTRISPIR AH collects and processes the following Personal Data:

  • The User's connection data, such as the IP address, the operating system used or the type of browser;
  • The data contained in a log file (date and time of connection, actions performed).

2. Purposes of Data processing

NUTRISPIR AH acts as Data Controller for Users' Personal Data in the context of the use and management of the Site, including in particular the management of orders placed and the making of contact by Users.

NUTRISPIR AH collects and processes Users' Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • Order of products by Users and marketed by NUTRSPIR AH on the Site;
  • Contacting Users, prospects, suppliers and other business partners with NUTRSPIR AH;
  • Sending a newsletter;
  • Promotion, marketing and manufacture of its products;
  • To produce statistics in order to improve the functionalities and performance of the Site and the Application and to know how the User uses the NUTRISPIR AH Site.

The Personal Data of Users is strictly confidential and is processed by NUTRSPIR AH for the sole purposes described above.

NUTRISPIR AH expressly undertakes not to further process Personal Data for purposes incompatible with the aforementioned purposes.

Furthermore, NUTRISPIR AH undertakes not to disclose, assign, rent or transmit the Personal Data of Users to third parties other than the host of the Site Data.

3. Legal Basis(s) of Data Processing

NUTRISPIR AH acts as Data Controller within the meaning of the Applicable Regulations when it processes the Personal Data of Users in the context of the use of the Site and in particular when contacting and processing orders from NUTRISPIR AH by the 'User. The legal basis for this processing is:

  • Consent , when it is given by the User in a free, specific, informed and unequivocal manner to the Data Controller by spontaneously sending an email or when subscribing to the newsletter;
  • The execution of a contract, when the User places an order for the products offered by NUTRISPIR AH on the Site;
  • Legitimate interest , when the processing of Data is necessary to satisfy the interests of the Data Controller within the framework of the services offered by NUTRSPIR AH.

4. Data retention period

The Personal Data collected by NUTRISPIR AH is only kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected in accordance with the Applicable Regulations in force.

As part of the processing of orders placed by the User, the Data retention period is strictly necessary for the proper management of our commercial relationship or for a maximum period not exceeding three (3) years from the last request remained unanswered by NUTRISPIR AH.

As part of the sending of the newsletter by NUTRISPIR AH to the User, and given the recurring nature of the sending thereof, the Personal Data is kept by NUTRISPIR AH for the duration of the registration of the User. As soon as the User unsubscribes, the Personal Data is deleted by NUTRISPIR AH.

Finally, in the context of contacting NUTRISPIR AH by the User, the Data retention period is strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the request between the User and NUTRISPIR AH or for a maximum period not exceeding two (2) years from the last unanswered request by NUTRISPIR AH.

At the end of this period, the Personal Data of the Users will be archived for the legal period necessary for the recognition and defense of a legal right, then will be deleted by NUTRISPIR AH at the end of this period.


The User acknowledges and accepts that the Site's hosting services are subcontracted to an external service provider for the latter's hosting.

In the context of its relations with the host, the processing of Personal Data is limited exclusively to the storage of Personal Data on the servers of the host in order to guarantee the management and use of the Site by the Users. The host has no right to access, use and/or exploit them.

The host acts as NUTRISPIR AH's Subcontractor, in accordance with the instructions sent to it by NUTRISPIR AH.


NUTRISPIR AH undertakes to protect the Personal Data of Users by reinforced technical security measures.

As Data Controller, NUTRISPIR AH implements technical and organizational security measures in accordance with the Applicable Regulations and industry standards, so as to ensure the protection of the Data processed by the Data Controller against their destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure to unauthorized third parties, to ensure the restoration of the availability of Personal Data and access to it in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident

The User must however be aware that despite all the security measures implemented, no transmission of Data over the Internet is 100% secure and that all information communicated online can potentially be intercepted and used by other people. than the desired Recipient.

In the event of recourse to a Subcontractor, NUTRISPIR AH ensures that the latter complies with its security obligations prior to any communication of Data.


1. Exercise of his rights by the User

In accordance with the Applicable Regulations, any User has rights over the Personal Data concerning him processed by NUTRISPIR AH.

The User may exercise his rights or ask any question relating to the protection of his Personal Data with NUTRISPIR AH, at the following address The User is invited to indicate precisely the subject of his request and the Personal Data concerned.

These rights are:

  • Right of access to the Data concerning him and to information relating to the processing (purposes, category of Data concerned, Recipients, retention period, etc.);
  • Right of rectification of his Personal Data in the event of erroneous or incomplete information;
  • Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) of his Personal Data which would no longer be necessary for the purposes pursued, or (ii) for which the User has exercised his right of opposition to the Processing;
  • Right to withdraw the consent of his Personal Data which allows the User to withdraw his consent at any time by informing NUTRISPIR AH by means of an e-mail;
  • Right to limit the Processing of his Personal Data, when (i) the User disputes their accuracy or (ii) when the Data retention period has expired but the User needs to keep this Data for the recognition, exercise or defense of a legal right or (iii) when the User opposes one of the Processing of his Personal Data;
  • Right to the portability of his Personal Data, namely the right to receive his Personal Data which is the subject of the Processing in an exploitable format and/or to request that these be transmitted to another Data Controller;
  • Right of opposition to the Processing of his Personal Data for legitimate reasons of his own, subject to the closure of the Account.

Except in the case where the request appears excessive or if it requires disproportionate effort, NUTRISPIR AH, as Data Controller, has the obligation to respond to requests for the exercise of Users' rights as soon as possible and no later than later than one (1) month after receipt of the request.


The Applicable Regulations strictly and precisely govern international transfers of Personal Data.

NUTRISPIR AH prohibits any transfer without the prior consent of the User and appropriate guarantees, so that the Personal Data of Users is properly protected when transferred to a location outside the European Union.


For all information and questions relating to the Policy or practices of NUTRISPIR AH with regard to the protection of Personal Data, please send an email to the following address: contact@NUTRISPIR