Spiruhorse Relax


A natural stress reliever
The physiological actions of our Phycocyanin and our Cannabidiol make it possible to better withstand stressful circumstances.

Proven physiological actions in humans and subject of additional studies in equines.

Free delivery in France

Single syringe for oral or sub-lingual use
Composition Dose
Phycocyanin extracted from premium spirulina (Titered at 16g/l of Phycocyanin; Or: 800 mg / Dose) (including Glycerol & natural surfactants: QSP) 48ml
Cannabidiol oil 10 drops

All the virtues specific to phycocyanin are relevant for the "RELAX" indication in question, in particular the hepatoprotective action, but it is its action on the stimulation of Neuromediators, which is highlighted for the fight against stress of horses either due to their particular character or due to stressful circumstances (transport conditions,
conditions related to events, team changes, competitions, etc. …). This particularity linked to phycocyanin makes it possible to induce, in horses as in humans, a stimulation of neurotransmitters such as SEROTONIN, MELATONIN, Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), OCYTOCINE, as many transmitters likely to induce effects
naturally sedative, soothing, promoting sleep, etc.

CBD ( or cannabidiol ), and CBN ( or cannabinol ), have little psychoactive action, but identified sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-tremulant, orexicogenic, antidepressant actions...
Our body itself produces endogenous “cannabinoid-like” substances, active in the brain. The endocannabinoid system plays a regulatory role on several functions of the human body, including the immune system and the central nervous system and influences memory or the regulation of appetite. Like all mammals, horses also have an endocannabinoid system, sensitive to exogenous sources of cannabinoids such as CBD or CBN.
The physiological actions of CBD:

  • Sedative action via the endogenous cannabinoid system receptor pathway located in the central nervous system.
  • Anti-inflammatory action via the endocannabinoid receptor pathway located in digestive endothelial cells.

The horse has a particular sensitivity to cannabinoid derivatives, and particularly to CBD. So that the doses commonly used by veterinarians for a 40 kg dog must be divided by 6 to 8 for a 400 kg horse! …In addition to this particular sensitivity, in particular to sedative effects, an impact on hepatic functions, with increased
enzymes such as Gamma GT.
Phycocyanin - CBD synergies:

  • Sedative action: different and synergistic modus operandi.
  • Brain endocannabinoid receptors for CBD
  • Stimulation of neuromediators such as serotonin and melatonin) for Phycocyanin
  • Anti-inflammatory action: different and synergistic modus operandi.
  • Digestive endothelium endocannabinoid receptors for CBD
  • Anti-Cox2 action on the hemato-lymphatic system for Phycocyanin
  • Hepato-protection of phycocyanin against the hepato-toxic risk induced by CBD

So many elements (there are others, improvement of appetite, hair quality, etc.) which support the relevance of the innovative formulation: Association Phycocyanin - CBD to fight against stressful situations.

Proven physiological actions in humans and subject of additional studies in equines

Box of 8 pre-filled syringes