Musculo-articular Spiruhorse

A natural remedy
The richness of our Spirulina in trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins associated with organic silicon and sodium selenite, helps to strengthen the restorative action of muscles, tendons and joints.

Proven physiological actions in humans and subject of additional studies in equines.

Free delivery in France
Cure of 30 days / Dosette of 50 gr
spirulina twigs 30g
Organic silicon 15g
sodium selenite 400mcg
Date stone powder: (including: AGE - Vit D - Vit E: 550 mg) 5g

In this formulation, spirulina will be particularly efficient with regard to:

  • Its composition in Branched Amino Acids (BCCAs) Valine, Leucine and Isoleucine, which are particularly sought after by athletes to gain muscle mass,
  • Its natural anti-inflammatory action (anti Cox2), very useful in the physiological processes of healing, as much as in those linked to inflammation linked to micro-traumas inherent in competition: muscle, tendon, cartilage, bone trauma, etc.

The Vit K contained in spirulina is essentially a Vitamin K2 (or Menakquinone) which not only does not have the anti-coagulant action of its sister Vit K1 (therefore its precautions for use), but in addition has an essential role at the level of the fixing of Calcium on the bones and the dental plaque (co-factor of the hormone osteocalcin). Among its many enzymes
: Superoxide Dismutase (or SOD), with powerful healing capacities. Among the pigments, Phycocyanin and its superpowers, in particular to stimulate immunity or the synthesis of stem cells.

Organic silicon contributes to the assimilation of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and to the synthesis of vitamin D (which also contributes to the fixation of calcium on the bone). It improves the resistance, the flexibility, the elasticity of the muscles and the tendons but also of the articular zones (bones and cartilage) by stimulating the synthesis of the collagen and the elastin.
Naturally present in horsehair and hooves, it contributes to their robustness and their maintenance in good health. Organic silicon also contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and to regulating stress.

Sodium selenite, a form of Selenium, a trace element that essentially helps to activate antioxidant enzymes, in the fight against oxidative stress and the effects of free radicals, harmful substances that accelerate cell aging.

DATE core:
Rich in proteins, mineral salts*, vitamins** and amino acids, date stone powder is also concentrated in soluble fibers (biological balancing of blood sugar) but also in insoluble fibers contributing to the regulation of intestinal transit as well as Acids Essential Fats, including Omega 3. So many complementary nutrients to those present in spirulina to optimize the repairing actions of muscles, tendons and joints. In addition, this powder has a very attractive smell and flavor which greatly contributes to the appetite for the product. Among the mineral salts: Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc…
* Among the Vitamins: Vit D, Vit E, fat-soluble.

Proven physiological actions in humans and subject of additional studies in equines.

1.5L jars